Beulah Grove Baptist Church

Beulah Grove Baptist Church (BGBC) was founded with approximately twenty members, under the leadership of Rev. John Henry Evans, when it separated from Mount Sinai Baptist Church.
The church relocated from 15th street to its present location, 1434 Poplar Street.
Resource Center was built.
Around that time, BGBC partnered with Broadway Baptist Church to co-sponsor and organize the United Neighborhood Federal Credit Union.
In addition to the 30901 Development Corporation, BGBC also established a prayer line.
This is just a brief look into the rich history of Beulah Grove Baptist Church. We welcome you to stop by to learn more about our church.

To aggressively search for, find and recruit persons who are apart from Christ, lost dead in sins, living in fear and often without hope.
The church will create an environment in which individuals are offered an opportunity and encouraged to claim their salvation.
To embrace, assist and nurture individuals and families by providing a system of services and ministries.
To educate, empower and equip persons to maximize their potential by living out their created purpose in Christ.
To encourage and provide opportunities for individuals and the church to use their time, talents, and gifts throughout the community, state, nation, and the world to share the bountiful blessings of God with others.

From the Cradle to the Grave.
Pastor Emeritus
On Sunday, February 20, 2024, Pastor Dr. Sam Davis was graced with the distinguished title of Pastor Emeritus, an honor conferred upon him by Pastor Xavier Creekmur.
We extend our deepest appreciation to him for his years of committed service while leading Beulah Grove Baptist Church.